Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Memories

It was the 2nd Annual Howorth-Whittaker trip to Roger's Gardens in Newport Beach... and we had a fabulous time! The evening began with Sprinkles cupcakes and Peet's Coffee to warm us up. We met Santa for a great photo op and made some more memories...

Drew was not pleased with this seemingly benign Christmas Tradition...she would have no part of Santa:

The kids with their best friend- Sarah Howorth:

The happy family...making a memory...

Merry Christmas to all!!!


Unknown said...

It is so weird to see everyone rugged up at Christmas. We were sitting inside with the air conditioner on all day. From Shane and Kirsten in Australia.

The Howorth 3 said...

Yummm... Sprinkles and Peet's! We're lucky to have access to such amazing things. The timing of it all worked out just perfectly - from the lack of line at Sprinkles, to Drew's jacket, parking space for Dan and then Santa! Fun day :o)